The RL Q&A:
Diana Silvers

Actor Diana Silvers on her love of tennis, on-court style, and partnering with Ralph Lauren for the 2019 US Open

It’s the second day of the US Open and the crowd is already entranced. The powerful pop of an ongoing volley captures the attention of most of the spectators. But off the court, a new player rises among the ranks.

Between matches, we stopped for a chat with rising star, avid tennis player, and actress Diana Silvers. Along with appearing in films like Booksmart, Glass, and Ma, she has also partnered with Ralph Lauren ahead of the 2019 US Open to create our debut TikTok challenge called #WinningRL.

Dressed head to toe in Polo Ralph Lauren, Silvers answered a few of our questions about the game, spectator style, and how she keeps her focus on winning.

Where did your love of tennis stem from?

My dad is a big tennis player. When he was in medical school, in the summer he’d travel to Europe with his tennis buddies on tour and play doubles and singles with them. When he had kids, he taught us how to play. I started playing because I liked Maria Sharapova’s dresses. My dad told me if I won a tournament, I’d get her dress. So I started playing for the incentive and eventually found a love for the game itself.

Did you ever consider playing professionally?

Yes, actually. From an early age, my lifelong dream was to go to Stanford, turn pro, and win Wimbledon. Instead, when I was 12 or 13, I realized acting was a passion of mine. That’s what I went to college for and that’s what I decided to pursue.

How often do you get to play?

Not nearly as much as I would like to. New York City isn’t as accessible for tennis players as Los Angeles is. Whether it’s the changing seasons or just limited access to courts, I find that now, I only play tennis when I’m at home.

What’s your go-to move?

I really love a serve down the line. A big flat forehand crosscourt. Or, a nice chip and charge. That’s a good one, too.

Whether you’re playing the game or just watching, style is a huge part of tennis.

Let’s talk a little bit about tennis style. When it comes to getting dressed to play, what do you like to wear?

I’m a bit superstitious about what I wear to play tennis. When I was competing, I would wear a skirt and a tank top in all my matches. All tennis players have their quirks, but I liked to wear the same clothes that I won in until I got to the semifinals. Then I’d wear a dress to win in.

What about off the court, when you’re watching a match?

This is embarrassing. When I was younger, I’d wear my tennis clothes to the tournaments, because I really wanted to be a part of it. Now, I just want to be comfortable and relaxed. Something stylish to throw over your tennis whites—like a cover-up—is key. Whether you’re playing the game or just watching, style is a huge part of tennis. That’s why, if you get photographed courtside, hopefully you’re wearing Ralph Lauren.

Any advice for first-timers at a tennis match?

Never clap on double fault. A double fault is when a player is serving and misses both of their serves. Do not clap. That would be a major tennis faux pas.

Has tennis taught you any life lessons?

Patience and composure go a long way. Most things in life are about your mental strength.

Kendall Green is a director of copy at Ralph Lauren.
  • Photographs by Terence Connors